

SKY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL has ventilated, spacious and well designed colorful classroom, staff rooms, Labs and Admin area.

All classrooms space more than 500sq.ft each.


The library is unrivaled with more than 5000+ books, subscribed latest periodicals and magazines, both Indian and is equipped with a digital library to enable the students to have access to the necessary e-books quickly.
The students will be encouraged to cultivate good reading habits and use the library as an important center for learning.


The Art and Craft Movement was one of the most influential, profound and far-reaching design movements of modern times. It was a movement born of ideals. It grew out of a concern for the effects of industrialization: on designs, on traditional skills and on the lives of ordinary people. In response, it established a new set of principles for living and working. SKY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL advocated the reform of art at every level and across a broad social spectrum, and it turned the home into a work of art.


SKY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL will always tried to follow maintain Indian Culture, which although diverse and varied, still binds the country together in some form of common identification. Indian Dance & Music played a remarkable role in this unification and SKY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL is committed for it.

Games & Sports

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Physical education and games & sports from an integral part of our educational program. The students will be encouraged to participate in various district, state and national level sports and games competitions. The school shall appoint professionally trained and experienced coaches who strive hard to produce good sports persons. These coaches will ensure that the children are physically fit. The school provides a comprehensive range of indoor and outdoor games. Yoga will be given importance in the school and the children will be regularly provided training for yoga.


100% RO and UV: To give completely safe water always.


24 hours surveillance through most advance CCTV systems with professional security personnel, a completely fenced campus.


100 kva DG Set is installed in Campus to cover the load shading, with a total captive power of 30KVA the campus enjoy 24 hours uninterrupted power supply.


The school gas first aid facility of its own. Regular medical check-ups for the entire school will be done routinely. Case requiring serious medical attention will be taken to the nearest hospital.
Specialists and the students shall be taken to them as required. The school authorities reserves the right to refer a student to any specialist for treatment or operation when the need arises and when time is at a premium. In all normal cases, the parents will be consulted before such action is taken.